Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Coupons, Chocolate Milk, and Gullible People

The last time I logged onto Facebook, several connections joyfully shared a wonderful discovery: a $75.00 Safeway coupon toward a minimum purchase of $80. Who wouldn’t be excited to find a coupon like that? Fraud. Hoax. False. Whatever you want to call it, it’s a...

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New Lies

“It’s just fiction,” they said. “It was never intended to be a theology textbook,” they said. “It will show people that God is love,” they said. In the seven years I’ve been blogging, I’ve never written a rebuttal post. I write what I believe I’ve been called to write...

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The Shack: Fiction Embraced as Fact?

As if there isn’t enough to argue about these days, along comes a movie such as The Shack, releasing tomorrow. With Christian supporters and detractors who are equally determined and vocal, what’s the big deal? It’s just a book/movie, right? Fans of The Shack are...

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Secrets and the Resurrection

These days there seems to be no end to scandals. Celebrity scandals and political scandals. Corporate scandals and sports scandals. From the original “gate”—Watergate in the 1970s—to the Patriots’ Deflate-gate in 2015. From Josh Duggar to Jared Fogle. From Volkswagen...

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When I worked in the corporate world, we rarely said we were firing an employee. We said they were being “let go.” The euphemism didn’t alter the reality that the person was no longer employed. Euphemisms are often used to make us feel better about what we’re saying....

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Fads: The Good, The Bad, The Very Bad

What’s the craziest fad you can recall? The 1960s gave us the Beatles and bellbottoms, mood rings and mini skirts. The 1970s inundated us with pet rocks and platform shoes, streakers and string art. The 1980s gave birth to Cabbage Patch dolls and Care Bears, break...

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Truth or Error?

Discussion is usually healthy. We learn from each other as we discuss and process new ideas or differing opinions. But what happens when we disagree about whether to have the discussion at all? Nowhere have I seen Christian doctrine battled out more vehemently than on...

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Love Won

Certain things are just understood. God is love. No one wants to go to hell. God wins. Taken individually, there’s nothing especially controversial about any of those statements for Christians. But pastor and author Rob Bell has written a controversial book that...

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Is “Christian Yoga” an Oxymoron?

Are you stressed? Feeling like the proverbial hamster on a wheel, running fast but going nowhere? Too many things to do and not enough time to do them. Too much month at the end of the money. Too many commitments and not enough energy. Many of us make repeated visits...

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