Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Today I have the privilege of interviewing author Renee Fisher. Renee’s book, Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me was released by Harvest House Publishers this month.

What words/phrases would you use to describe yourself, other than writer or author?

I am an outgoing introvert. Home schooled. Worship leader. Passionate. Wife. Heart for God and His Word. I love spurring others forward (Hebrews 10:24).

Well, you certainly spur us all forward with your newest book! Where did you get the idea for Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me?

After I graduated high school, I decided to go on my first missions trip. I signed up for DTS or Discipleship Training School called Ambassadors For Christ in San Antonio, TX. After living there for only 5 months, I had to move back home because my eczema spread so quickly and took the skin off my hands. This was the second time that eczema had severely affected my skin and taken many years to heal. I wrote Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me with barely any skin on my hands, but I just knew that if I didn’t forgive myself and God for feeling like a failed missionary I knew I’d never be able to heal and move on. It was the most freeing moment of my life.

We don’t realize how much freedom is linked to forgiveness until we take that first step to forgive. What else should your readers discover and want to share after reading Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me?

FForgiving Others, Forgiving Meorgiveness is a personal choice. You can only take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Even if the other person wronged you, you only have control over your actions. Why live in a prison that you wanted someone else to live in? Come into the light and watch God set you free. I just want people to talk about the new found spiritual freedom after reading my book! I even inserted a 7-week Small Group Bible Study Questions at the back of the book for those who want and need to process in a group instead of alone. 

What a terrific resource to help readers grow spiritually! How does your own spiritual life influence your writing?

My spiritual life influences my writing 100%. I can’t help but share of God’s redemptive powers that I have seen and experienced. I truly pray for others who don’t know how to be set free and hope my writings encourage others who feel stuck.

It’s easy to get stuck in our own pity-parties, isn’t it? What else have you learned during the process of writing and publishing this book?

It took about 10 years, 2 publishers, and 4 re-writes for my book to finally be what it is today. I definitely don’t take any of my sufferings for granted–and if anything–I hope my story inspires others to truly trust God and let it go.

That’s a long process. What did you most enjoy about writing Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me?

That it finally got published. Talk about dream come true.

What do you tell people when they ask “and what do you do?”

I tell them that I’m an author even though I originally went to college to become a high school math teacher. That gets their attention and then I get to tell my God-story. I love it. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever believe I’d become a published author–even though I dreamed about it for many years.

You’re not just the author of Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me. How can readers learn more about you and your other books?

Please visit to learn more about me, read some blogs, learn about my other books, or sign up for a free eBook. To purchase copies of Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me please visit my all new book website at and enjoy the chapter videos as well!


Renee FisherRenee Fisher, the Devotional Diva®, is the spirited speaker and author of Faithbook of JesusNot Another Dating BookForgiving Others, Forgiving Me, and Loves Me Not. A graduate of Biola University, Renee’s mission in life is to “spur others forward” (Hebrews 10:24) using the lessons learned from her own trials to encourage others in their walk with God. She and her husband, Marc, live in California with their dog, Rock Star. Learn more about Renee at and

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