Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

My friend and fellow board member of the Christian Authors Network (CAN), Karen Whiting, asked me to participate in the Writer’s World Blog Tour. She participated last week. I want to thank her for the invitation and suggest you check out Karen and her newest books. She has a heart for families and it shows in her books, whether she’s writing for children or adults.

Here is her information and links:
KarenWhitingKaren Whiting is an international speaker and award-winning author of seventeen books. She’s the former television host of Puppets On Parade. Her newest books are Nature Girl: a guide to caring for God’s creation and The One Year My Princess Devotions. Her upcoming releases are The One Year Devotions for Active Boys and Hope From His Heart (a devotional for women). Karen loves to let creativity splash across the pages of her writing as she encourages families to thrive, treasure one another, and connect to God. I hope you’ll connect with her at:


As part of the tour I’ve been asked to answer the same four questions all the authors have been answering:

1. What am I working on?

I’m juggling a few projects at the moment, including a book about spiritual lessons from our rescue boxers, a children’s devotional on the names of God (as a companion to Daily Reflections on the Names of God), and another children’s book on God’s incredible creation.

I also teach a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class from September through May, so between teaching and writing, I spend most of my time doing what I love!

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

The phrase “A passion for God’s Word and a compassion for His people” is used by BSF, and I truly resonate with it. Whether I’m writing for children or adults, I try to incorporate even the hard teachings of Scripture, but in a way that delivers hope and encourages transformation and restoration.

3. Why do I write what I do?

I have grown so much as I walk with the Lord and teach His Word. Sometimes it feels as if I would burst if I didn’t share what I’m learning. My hope is that readers might learn the easy way what I’ve learned the hard way!

4. How does my writing process work?

I maintain an idea file for future projects. Each time I come across a resource, quote, illustration, and relevant Bible passage, I file it away in the appropriate file until I’m ready to work on the book.

Now that I’ve shared a little about myself, I’d like to introduce two friends and authors who will follow me in this tour. Next week Dave Fessenden and Marjorie Vawter will answer these same four questions on their own blogs. I hope you’ll check them out! In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek at their information:

Dave FessendenDavid E. Fessenden is a literary agent for WordWise Media Services and an independent publishing consultant with 20 years’ experience in editorial management for Christian publishers. In previous positions Dave served on the communications staff of Elim Bible Institute and was editor of a regional edition of the largest Protestant weekly newspaper in the country.

Dave has published six books, produced study guides for two titles by A.W. Tozer (published in the back of the books), written hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, and edited numerous books. His two latest nonfiction books, Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract and A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal, published by SonFire Media in 2011 and 2014, grew out of his years in acquisitions for Christian publishers. Dave enjoys speaking on various topics at Christian writers’ conferences and other venues. He also conducts Sunday school teaching workshops based on his book, Teaching with All Your Heart.

Dave’s first novel, The Case of the Exploding Speakeasy, teams up Sherlock Holmes’ smarter brother, Mycroft, with Dr. Watson’s son, Thomas, to solve the murder of a speakeasy owner and his card-playing cronies in 1920s Philadelphia. It was published in November 2013 by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. His blog on writing is


Marjorie VawterMarjorie Vawter is a professional freelance editor who proofreads and edits for CBA publishers, edits for individual clients, and writes. An avid reader, she also judges for several prestigious awards in the inspirational marketplace, and she serves as conference director’s assistant and appointments coordinator for the Colorado and Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conferences.

A graduate of Bob Jones University with a bachelor’s degree, she has taught elementary school (1st and 4th grade) and high school English and Spanish. In 2005, she “retired” to edit and write full-time. She has published several articles and numerous devotionals, including Discipleship Journal and several devotional anthologies published by Barbour Publishing. Her first fiction book, A Shelter from the Storm in Sundays in Fredericksburg (TX), released in April 2013 from Barbour. She has also indie published with her online critique group (aka The Posse), another novella in Threads of Time, available at the Amazon Kindle store.

Calming the Storm Within, published by OakTara, is Marjorie’s first nonfiction book. Marjorie speaks at conferences and writers groups on topics relating to editing and writing and to church ladies groups and retreats on depression/anxiety, and grounding in biblical truth. Readers can contact her through her website:

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  1. Kathryn Ross

    Hi Ava! I’m posting my own post like this on my blog this week, having been tagged by a blogging friend in New England. I actually waited til I made new writer and blogging friends at the conference and introduced them on my post. What an amazing conference – I felt honored to be there and so enriched. Not a moment wasted. Loved the peer fellowship – I’ve been so hungry for that. No turning back now – sticking around and taking it all the way! Visit me at to see my review of the conference. I’ll be posting the article in this vein when I get the bio from one of the girls I’m featuring. Hopefully by tomorrow. Thanks for being such a gracious help to me whenever I needed it. Staying connected – Joy!
    Kathryn Ross

  2. admin

    Hi, Kathryn –
    It was so nice to meet you at the conference – hope to see you again next year!


  1. Concept to Contract » Blog Archive » The Writer’s World Blog Tour - […] Ava Pennington, a fellow board member of the Christian Authors Network (CAN). She participated last week. I want to…

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